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Miles Davis Album Art

Having just completed my album collection of Miles Davis in iTunes, I was looking at all the albums in grid view and realized how beautiful every cover of Davis's albums were.

I guess I had never noticed how stunning the art on Miles Davis's albums were. Especially never seeing them all laid out together, it was really overwhelming. Each album seems to be unique and timeless. The art really does a great job of being true to the time of the album and the feeling of the music on the album. I have been leaving iTunes open all day with Miles albums all arranged next to each other just for inspiration. I am going to be digging into more of the history of each album and the individual artist's themselves. Enjoy.

UPDATE: Found the definative collection of Blue Note album art : http://www.gokudo.co.jp/Record/BlueNote4/index.htm

Big thanks to Kai in the comments for these recommendations. Didn't have Big Fun in my collection, it is really well done.

References (43)

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    We saw this on another site and had to link to it - we've always loved Miles Davis, but sadly, most of our experience has been through digital downloads...
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    NEWTOYORK, Tyler Thompson, Creative Director at Squarespace - Journal - Miles Davis Album Art
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    NEWTOYORK, Tyler Thompson, Creative Director at Squarespace - Journal - Miles Davis Album Art
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    NEWTOYORK, Tyler Thompson, Creative Director at Squarespace - Journal - Miles Davis Album Art
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    NEWTOYORK, Tyler Thompson, Creative Director at Squarespace - Journal - Miles Davis Album Art
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    NEWTOYORK, Tyler Thompson, Creative Director at Squarespace - Journal - Miles Davis Album Art
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    NEWTOYORK, Tyler Thompson, Creative Director at Squarespace - Journal - Miles Davis Album Art
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    NEWTOYORK, Tyler Thompson, Creative Director at Squarespace - Journal - Miles Davis Album Art
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Reader Comments (68)

11.14.2009 | Unregistered CommenterDOC STANLEY
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11.17.2009 | Unregistered Commentercss bomb
Outstanding Article , I thought it was remarkable

I look ahead to more similar postings like this one. Does This Blog have a newsletter I can subscribe to for updates?
11.24.2009 | Unregistered CommenterDIgnNinsskink
looks great
01.28.2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlex
There's a couple there I'm not seeing that are pretty sick covers. I've always been a huge fan of the Tribute to Jack Johnson cover where Miles is practically bent in half, aura is a good one as well, live at blackhawk is a good retro cover
03.5.2010 | Unregistered Commenterhampster
And this is why I like iam.squarespace.com. Insithtful post.

03.11.2010 | Unregistered CommenterDerick
This is the reason I read iam.squarespace.com. Love the post.

03.13.2010 | Unregistered CommenterCheri
How do you do it, iam.squarespace.com?

03.14.2010 | Unregistered CommenterHolly
These are awesome! Check out the Miles Davis Ode to a Painter of Sound mural I created a few years ago for an original composition created by Mr. Bob Watt and Mr. Todd Cochran to honor their friend and fellow musician, Miles Dewey Davis.

You can see it at www.designkala.com, under the murals tab.
03.31.2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichael Bond

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